Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Green Pin Spanner Saved my Ride

My crankbrothers Kronolog post sort of shit the bed on my last trip to Sun Valley. I pulled up the saddle, because it wasn't returning on its own, and the post just pulled apart. It's not like I didn't see it coming, I just never anticipated the rapid deterioration. I actually considered going back to a solid post.

Today was a perfect Fall day and I wasn't going to let the post stop me from getting some sweet singletrack so I decided it couldn't get any worse and I should try to fix it so I can ride. I mean my old man was a television repair man, and he has an ultimate set of tools.

Lacking any specialty tools and seeing what looked like a pin spanner capable interface I grabbed the trusty green and have it a go.

This puppy had seen some days, years of Headshok top caps before ever owning a specialty tool to do the job took a toll on the old trusty. I honestly haven't buster her out in a while, so it was intriguing to look at the wear on Old Green.

Soon after giving her a go I realized the pin holes were too small for Old Green, so I did what any man with a drill would, I made it fit.

Perfect fit after the update. Who has specialty tools in their garage anyways? So once the fit was right I cracked it open.

Luckily the air piston used an 8mm tool. Cracked the whole piston/shaft assembly open and wiped it clean. O-rings seemed to be A-OK.

After inspection it appeared the air cartridge cap just backed out so a good clean and lube and I threw it all back together. Had to drill out the air cartridge seal cap to fit Old Green.

So, super easy. Kind of like a Headshok, not surprising as it uses a shaped inner steerer to keep the saddle aligned and a similar cartridge. Stoked it worked today.

So it seems a little maintenance is needed from time to time to keep the old Kronolog going. I've put 1000 miles on it with the Scale so I guess that's a good duration. One more cool thing when I re-assembled it I was able to put the cable entry on the rear of the seat tube, cleaner.

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